17 February 2020

How to reply best to the reviews we receive from past clients?

In today’s online context the concept of review is any comment, positive or negative that it may be, left from a client, or a user, concerning a product or service recently consumed.

Companies have nowadays deeply interiorized the fact that reviews have a great impact over future clients and, consequently, over their image in general.

Back in the day reviews were left only to express dissatisfaction while today these are widely used to share an experience, regardless of it being positive or negative, rather than suggesting or not a product or service.

One of the biggest experts in this sense is definitely TripAdvisor, the very well known platform dedicated to sharing experiences in the tourism sector. The biggest lesson the “owl” has taught us to best manage a review is to always put ourselves in the shoes of the client recognizing the effort and time the client spent to write about his experience.

In any case there are numerous elements to keep well in mind when managing a review, here is a brief list with the most important points:

  • Always answer to all reviews, always, regardless of it being positive or negative
  • Reply within reasonable timings and with delicateness because the experience is still fresh so the client is even more sensible to the reply he will read
  • Always write a personalized answer, limit standardization and avoid using templates
  • Never forget to always thank the client for the review since he took time to do it
  • A positive evaluation is a great opportunity to multiply compliments coming from others strengthening the original comment. It is also suggested to respond to a compliment with another compliment to amplify even more an already positive perception
  • A negative evaluation is an opportunity to make questions and investigate over improvements to spare the same negative experience to future clients. It would surely help replying including an explanation over how you plan to solve the problem before it affects future clients
  • Accept the fact that some reviews will be brutal so stay frosty, remain polite, objective and professional because, afterall, what matters is the content, not the form.

How do I manage reviews with Icnea?

Reviews, which are collected through the automatic thank you and review request email, can be found in the omonimous men received reviews which.

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