Operative Apps

Webapps for external software users

Create accounts for those who are responsible of finalizing the check-in/check-out, cleanings or maintenance and give them access to the dedicated apps.

Exploit our technology to improve business efficiency and overall quality of work. With each of the Web Apps, employees receive updated information about their tasks, avoiding confusion and easily reporting completed tasks, while managers have the ability to assign recurring tasks automatically and receive reports on incidents and completed services.

What types of apps for external users does the Icnea software offer?

Vacation rental check-in users

Who is in charge of arrivals and departures can access their dedicated app and find all the necessary information such as the next check-ins and check-outs for the next 7 days.

The app allows to enter and visualize reservation details to verify that all propaedeutical steps prior to the arrival have been completed correctly:

  • Insertion of all bookers details
  • Guest registration
  • Payment of the reservation
  • Payment of the deposit
  • Signature of the contract (vacation or long term)

The app also includes a calendar to view in which property each reservation has to go.

Mobile device showing an example of the check-in inside the app

Cleanning employees for vacation rentals

The app presents a calendar to view all cleanings highlighting the most urgent ones, in other words the ones with a check-in and a check-out on the same day, and showing valuable information such as the time of arrival and departure inserted by the guest. 

To guarantee an efficient cleaning management each cleaning can be differentiated using a specific status:

  • Final reservation cleaning
  • Maintenance cleaning (when a property has been empty for a long period of time)
  • Extra cleaning to charge as an extra during a booking

Furthermore, it is possible to enter each cleaning task to mark it as "pending", "in progress" or "finalized" to guarantee a fluid, simple and efficient communication between all involved parts. 

The user may also insert comments and load photographs within each cleaning to point out any situation that requires the maintainer's attention.

Mobile device showing the weekly plan of all the cleanings assigned in the Icnea app.

Vacation rental maintenance employees

Maintainers can access their dedicated app to see all assigned tasks for all those properties under their responsability.

Through the app they will know if the apartment is empty or  if they will need to complete the task with the reservation still going on.

Within each created task they will find details concerning what they have to do, and can also add comments and pictures to share with the main office.

Mobile device where the incident file is displayed, you will be able to see the details of the problem to be solved within the app.

Check-in process in 3 steps

Viewing the steps
Viewing the steps
There are 4 phases for the check-in process to be considered completed. In the panoramic view it is possible to see which have been completed and which are still pending.
Guest introduction
Guest introduction
Our system is capable of verify and update information in real time regardless from where these where introduced: in the PMS Channel Manager, directly by the guest via the automatic reservation reminder, from the guest's app or guest's extranet. 
Intuitive and easy
Intuitive and easy
Once all propaedeutical steps have been completed the system will unlock the button to finish the check-in. This way human mistakes are drastically reduced and all phases are completed as requested.

Other PMS services


Manage properties, prices, reservations, employees, guest and owner administration and much more.. everything from one single software

Guest's app

Take your guests experience to the next level and simplify all check-in operations to guarantee a fast and comfortable arrival.

Experiences module

Dedicated module to create, manage and sell experiences to the market regardless of a stay being booked or not.

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