03 June 2020

Airbnb Guides: How can a host minimize the impact Covid-19 may have on his business

Airbnb is trying to support its hosts at its best during these difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemia. They are providing lots of information and tools to allow hosts to adapt the best they can and to help minimize the Covid-19 impact on property managers. 

Some of the most important suggestions are:

  • Offer properties despite the coronavirus if you can, even if guidelines must be followed and some requirements must be met. This is a great opportunity to try to stimulate tourism and support in any way possible the economic recovery.
  • Maximize flexibility of the cancellation policy, this will make a big difference when potential clients are in their decision making phase.
  • Tendency will be to book longer periods so including a long stay discount is also very important to stimulate the demand. Admitting stays over 28 days could be a good option as well.
  • Airbnb created a fund of 250 million dollars, these resources will be distributed among hosts to try and cover cancellation costs hosts had to suffer during the cancellation wave that struck them in these last months. This initiative was announced by the Airbnb CEO himself a few weeks ago.
  • Read very carefully the hygiene guidelines to follow in order to guarantee a very high standard of cleaning. Also, include adequate instructions to allow check ins and check outs to take place respecting the social distance.

In addition Airbnb created a dedicated platform to use as reference to find useful information, articles and FAQs for all sorts of questions and doubts regarding the pandemic situation, latest updates and much more.

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