21 June 2023

New integration with Holidays Hub

Growing is always an exciting process for Icnea. Today, we introduce you our latest integration with Holidays Hub, who joins the family to help our customers to improve their vacation rental management.

What is Holidays Hub?

Holidays Hub is a technological startup built to bring solutions to common issues of the tourism industry from property managers point of view. Temporallity, awareness or fierce competitors are some of the problems that Holidays Hub can solve.

Holidays Hub tool gather property managers in a common network that offer benefits in two different ways;
  1. Generating passive income.
  2. Bringing your accommodation to new users recommended by tool associates.
With this collaboration we want to still working alongside with Holidays Hub to get a better operative efficiency and increase the awareness of our property managers.

How does Holidays Hub works?

Using their in-house developed software, vacation rentals can create a profile in Holidays Hub and connect it to their channel manager, Icnea in this case. This allow them to upload content, prices, inventory and any necessary information to manage bookings without incidents.

Once they’ve signed up, Holidays Hub associates generate a code to their accommodation. This code will be given to guests using their ordinary communications (email, whatsapp, webapp…) inviting them to access the platform and get additional benefits once they make their booking.

What makes Holidays Hub different?

Collaboration: One of the core features of Holidays Hub is the possibility of collaboration between its associates, becoming a chance for any vacation rental to generate passive income keeping their database private and secure.

Guaranteed awareness: Once the users have connected with Holidays Hub network, users will be recommended by its associates, so the tool will work as a new advertisement channel for them.

Profitabillity: Users get a percentage of the booking made with the associated code of their accommodation. That’s how an accommodation can still generate passive income in Holidays Hub with no need of having guests.

The alliance between Holidays Hub and Icnea backup the commitment to offer a new platform to our costumers and property managers and maximize their business opportunities.

We’re excited to start this collaboration with Holidays Hub and keep improving our offer to bring even a better experience to vacation rentals and travellers.

¡Stay tuned for more news from Holidays Hub and Icnea!

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