29 November 2023

Quality on Airbnb: the importance of positive reviews

Quality is an essential parameter for the customers to evaluate your accommodation and influence directly in your activity and income. As a host, its important to work for get good reviews that will help you to improve your rank when users are searching for an accommodation in Airbnb or even help you become a Superhost.

Let’s see some highlighted data about reviews
  • Airbnb’s listings with 4,7 stars or more have a conversion rate in bookings of a 10% and 15% more than listings with 4 stars but not reaching the 4,7.
  • Airbnb’s average reviews is 4,7 stars, but the 60% of them is higher than 4,8. That shows us the importance of working on quality in a highly competitive environment.
  • Data extracted from the platform shows that listings with an average of 80% in 5 stars review get 65% of total Airbnb’s bookings last year.

Knowing all these data, maybe you’re wondering how you can improve your reviews to get your listings among the most popular in the platform. In this blog post we will show you the best tips to achieve it based on the key metrics that a guest can evaluate in Airbnb: arrival, trust, cleaning, communication, location, and quality.

Help your customers to get an idea about how’s a stay in your accommodation

For a guest is important to know every detail about the place where he’s going to stay. This begins before any communication with them, on the listing page. This has to describe with precision the accommodation features, included services, location with map, rules and restrictions. One of the main points is the description of your accommodation. The guest must find just what he has seen, so it’s essential to describe how’s the space, privacy and any equipment included. At this point, is very important to pay attention to the images, because they are the best way to show your customers, and the more images in your listing, more is the probability to get new bookings.

Communication is the key

As host you must be ready to answer questions or assist your guests in any inconvenience before or during their stay. Before their arrival, customers use to get in touch to ask for more information about their destination as they finish their trip planning. When the date of their arrival is near, or they have already arrived is necessary to pay attention to their communications to help the customers with any inconvenience. When this happens, guests are looking for an immediate response to continue enjoying their trip as soon as possible.

Cleaning and maintenance

To get a good impression from the very first moment, your guests must have an excellent arrival with every detail in perfect condition. Cleaning and maintenance are essential to get better reviews. You’ll have to make sure to have a cleaning team who take care to prepare the accommodation between one booking and the next one. That includes basic cleaning and replacement of elements like towels or bed sheets. Not less important is to count with a maintenance team to take care of any incidence that represent a risk for the guests. Remember that Icnea offers webapps for cleaning and maintenance users to have full control of this tasks.

Improve your guests stay

Besides from making your guests feel at home in your accommodation, a good host stands out for sharing his knowledge and recommendations of the place to improve guest’s visit. Surprise them with an unexpected activity or restaurant has a positive impact on reviews. Take advantage of your knowledge of the city and recommend leisure or cultural activities. Another good option is to welcome your guests with some local product.

As you can see, quality is essential for the proper development of your business. Reviews are a lot more than a opinion and they have a big influence in future customers decision and your position in Airbnb searches. We encourage you to check your procedures in search for potential improvements to make your listings stand out among your competitors. And remember, you can check your quality index in Airbnb using this link.

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